This is a 2-yr postgraduate program (120 ECTS) originated from the many years’ experience of the European Master In Health and Physical Activity, coordinated by the University of Rome “Foro Italico” since 2002.
It is an integrated program of study involving Faculty and students from Italy and other countries, aimed at upgrading the graduate in sport or movement sciences to a higher and broader professional profile, apt to deal, in a European perspective, with the complexities of the social demands increasingly expressed in the area of physical activity in health, fitness and wellness, reeducation and rehabilitation. In fact, prevalent sport science approaches have for a long time been tailored for competitive sport performance, but less so for needs related to health, prevention and wellbeing, to stress management, and the psychosocial and cultural dimensions, in daily life and in the various age and health conditions.
In particular this program is meant to respond to the following learning and professional outcomes.
Learning Outcomes – European Descriptors (“Dublin Descriptors”)
Knowledge and understanding
The program is meant to provide to students a wider understanding of the scientific and cultural issues involved, along with a focus on the specific methodologies and technical skills needed to plan, organise, coordinate or conduct, physical activity in the various age/health conditions and settings, whether for leisure, functional maintenance, psychosocial integration and wellbeing, disease prevention, coping with disabilities, or recovery and rehabilitation.
The program is structured to allow various areas of specialisation, and involves a one-year program on basic science and physical activity-related health issues and a second year focused on one of three alternative areas of specialisation related to age groups: Children, Adults, Elderly.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The program will educate highly qualified professionals, combining technical skills and management qualifications with a sound cultural background and a high-level specialist education acquired in a European context.
This professionalizing education will find a practical realization in different employment opportunities, ranging from public health services to private health companies, workplace health promotion, physical reeducation and rehabilitation, adapted physical activity for special groups, fitness or wellness clubs, social services, schools, leisure and recreation, tourism industry, etc.
Making judgements
The acquisition of specific knowledge and professional skills will guarantee the graduates to develop autonomy in understanding and focusing on the specific problems connected with planning, organising, coordinating or conducting physical activity programs specially meant to different populations/requirements.
Communication skills
The program is specifically designed to increase the communication skills of the graduates in an European perspective. Actually it is part of the process of European integration and the internationalisation of the university system. Its aim is to contribute to the expansion of student and Faculty mobility and the development of European curricula and titles and joint degrees. The curriculum will be developed in English and an advanced course of English as well as an extra-language study are part of the teaching plan. The program is also conceived to give an implementation of informatics skills
Learning skills
To give to the graduate autonomous learning skills is one main goals of the program. After the intensive teaching and internship periods, supplemented by tutoring, guided study, and some recourse to distance learning procedures, graduates should be able to continue the studies independently, utilizing study resources and skills learned during the curricula. This learning skills will be useful both for professional implementation and research purpose.