Area: Sport and Movement Science

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German Sport University Cologne
Institute for Rehabilitation and Sport for the Disabled, 50927 Cologne / Germany

Tel. +49. (0)221.4982.7610 - Fax. +49 (0)221-4982.8390 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wilke ChristianeSport and Movement Scientist, born in Lüdenscheid, Germany, 1969. Graduated from the German Sports University of Cologne in 1994 (main subject: prevention and rehabilitation), studied English at the University of Cologne. Worked as a sport-therapist in different inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation centers with neurological and orthopedic patients (1994-2001), since 1995 part time at the German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Rehabilitation and Sport for the Disabled. Finished her PHD in 2001 (main subjects: rehabilitation and sports medicine). Since July 2001 full time at the German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Rehabilitation and Sport for the Disabled. Research and professional fields are movement biomechanics and control, coordination of posture and movement, neuroscience, balance and kinesiology. Main topics of lectures are theory and practice in training and movement for special groups (in prevention and rehabilitation), orthopedic and sports physical therapy, sports therapy / movement therapy with orthopedic and neurological patients as well as motor learning and motor control.


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